Top 10 Anime Everyone Needs To Watch


these are the top 10 anime that everyone

needs to watch

for this list we'll be looking over the

Timeless titles that newcomers to the

medium owe themselves to watch given the

pedigree of their writing visuals and

the standards they've set going forwards

number 10 : Steins Gates

it's hard to hitthat sci-fi Sweet Spot especially in a

series that trades out the grandiose

spectacle large-scale fights for time

travel techno jargon and character


thankfully okabe and his gaggle of

scientists went beyond all expectations

delivering a thrilling ROM through

timelines yet still having to face the

consequences of exploring the fringes of



come get him

while having a microwave that sends

messages to the Past might sound

outlandish the endearing nature of its

characters keeps things grounded

allowing it to work in harmony with its

Wilder tiny whimy elements no hypothesis

needed the sharp writing here will have

you captivated

thank you

number 9 : Mobile Suit Gundam

pioneering giant robots for a whole

generation Gundam has exploded into a

franchise that can be more than a little

confusing to the uninitiated which is

why should you feel compelled to check

out at least one we can't recommend the

original enough

even for a series many would consider

retro it's themes of war and conflict as

well as the battles between its various

Mecca all hold up remarkably well not in

my case

it hits all those classic beats

including a rebellion against an

oppressive space-bearing Elites but

layers it with poignant portrayals of

trauma betrayal and revenge plus it did

give us Char aznibal one of anime's

greatest anti-heroes of all time don't

take it personally you can thank your

father for this

Char you you double crossed me Char

number 8 : Dragon Ball franchise

wondering what all the fuss is about

when it comes to the Kamehameha the

answer as any long-term fan will tell

you is a melody of Epic Battles

tournaments power scaling aliens wish

granting dragons and a crazy amount of

fun as the granddaddy of Shonen plenty

of today's Fantasy fight fests owe their

success to Dragon Ball's influence from

Young Goku's journey to collect all

seven dragon balls in the original


what's happening

to the introduction of Super Saiyans in


all the way to battling the Multiverse

in super

every Arc lends itself to a colossal

amount of imagination and enjoyment and

hype so much hype

 number 7 : Attack on Titan 

the term modern Masterpiece gets

thrown around a lot but there is

scarcely few who deserve the title More

Than This darkest of anime explorations

in a world where humans have barricaded

themselves behind walls their ongoing

struggle against the looming threat of

humanoid monstrosities known as Titans

is suddenly flipped on its head when the

bitter truth of their existence is

slowly revealed

not enough accolades can be poured onto

this series from how each season shifts

genre to the raw brutality of its fights

but its real strength lies in its

storytelling just when you think you've

got a grasp on where it's going it takes

another enthralling yet depressing

tangent it's a rumbling that you can't

afford to miss


number 6 : Hunter x Hunter 

taking those same old tropes the defined

action-adventure anime for so long and

polishing them to a beautiful finish

gone seemingly simple journey to become

a hunter and find his father exploded

into a multi-firsted Thrill Ride the gay

fans of the genre everything they could


a sprawling World unique villains

immense character growth the most

intricate of Power Systems and even when

it tackles cliches it does so in the

most unconventional of ways

it's truly a treat worthy of diving into

the only downside being you'll be

trapped with the rest of us waiting for

the sequel that will never arrive

number 5 : gurren Lagann 

sometimes anime doesn't need to be heavy

or complicated

with its plotting sometimes it just

needs to feature giant robots the size

of whole galaxies pummeling the bejesus

out of each other

defining Studio trigger's signature

brand of Madness Karen Lagan rebels in

its personal brand of Mega Chasm that

turns the whole universe into a Sandbox

for its cast of human resistance

fighters to play in as they battle

against beastmen and other Cosmic

threats with an ever-increasing barrage

of giant robots

overwhelmingly stylish it's impossible

to not have a blast with Simon and his

drill that pierces the very heavens

number 4 : Cowboy Bebop 

and Interstellar neo-noir dripping with the

rule of cool Bebop is fully justified in

its status as a classic you can't see

everywhere at once

while mainly episodic the Misadventures

of Spike Fey and the rest of their

fellow bounty hunters hits just as hard

nonetheless whether it's tangoing with

crime syndicates dealing with the gaping

holes left by their pests or getting

high as balls on mushrooms there's

Artistry to be found in every corner of

Bebop hey mister

this here is The Stairway to Heaven you

know that don't you

obnoxious little frog The Ballad of

Fallen Angels alone is an Exquisite

example of why it's looked upon with

such a steam

number 3 : Full Metal Alchemist


after a complete and

satisfying narrative experience want a

fantasy that dabbles in something wholly

original something that balances flashy

fights with killer commentary on

militarism sacrifice and retribution the

Elric Brothers have got you covered


bodies are snatched away following an

attempt to use the art of alchemy to

bring back their deceased mother Edward

and Alphonse throw themselves into the

pursuit of the Philosopher's Stone to

right their wrongs all the while dealing

with the threats of corruption within

the governments and the shadowy force of

the Fearsome homunculi

Brotherhood truly has something for



number 2 : one piece

the idea of tackling over a thousand 

episodes of a

single series might sound like a

daunting task but if there's one

property worthy of taking the plunge for

it's one piece

while it might initially appear as a

colorful tale of pirates on the high sea

the truth is that the world Luffy and

the rest of the straw hat crew inhabits

is one of the most widespread well-woven

and interconnected ever to be realized

in animation


altogether the search for gold Rogers

Infamous treasure continues to innovate

and Amaze even decades on

number 1 : Neon Genesis Evangelion 

the psychological grip that

Evangelion will leave on you won't be

forgotten anytime soon

when the planet comes under the assault

from Interstellar beings known as Angels

a group of teens are tasked with

piloting the mechanized Ava in order to

stop them

of course nothing is ever that simple

with the series chronicling each Pilot's

in a turmoil and struggles all of which

are not for the fate of hearts and yet

we wouldn't hesitate to watch Shinji

again in the robot once again.


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