Top 10 Animated Fights In Naruto


these are the top 10 best animated

fights in Naruto

this list will be looking at the most

well animated battles in the Naruto

franchise to be clear these aren't

necessarily the greatest fights in the

series though there is considerable

overlap just the ones with the best


number 10 : Rock Lee vs gaara

this tournament matchup between Lee the

kid who won't quit and Gara the

Monstrous sand user who rarely has to

try is cemented in the minds of many

fans as one of the franchise's best

Lee's incredible speed is beautifully

realized with his punches kicks and body

blows being rendered well as well as his

striking transformation meanwhile gara's

sand flowing about him and being used

against Lee holds up wonderfully too


while its animation is far from the

series Peak given that it aired

relatively shortly into Naruto's run

Rock Lee vs Gara is still an early

example of what the show's animators

were capable of

number 9 : Naruto vs Pain

this might be a somewhat controversial

Choice since it has become something of

a meme among Naruto fans but bear with

us Naruto's fight with pain and his six

paths is one of Naruto's peaks in many

ways the heartbreaking death leads

Naruto to unleashes Inner nine tails and

rank the final pain body in an

incredible action sequence

although individual frames of this part

don't look great the brutality of the

attacks and the speed at which it all

moves is still enough to Warrant a spot

on our list plus the fight overall has

many awesome moments and quality

animation throughout

number 8 : Sasuke vs Itachi

the long-awaited Face-Off between the

Uchiha brothers does not disappoint sure

Sasuke's fated battle with his hated

sibling provides plenty of hype but it's

made even better by how great it looks

Sasuke and Itachi both use powerful

techniques against each other ranging

from Illusions to fire to lightning and

there's even some last minute

interference from Orochimaru their

hand-tanned combat is smooth and flows

perfectly while the flashy Jutsu pop off

as well

oh my God

even something as simple as the duo

throwing shuriken at each other looks

great you don't need the Sharingan to

appreciate every detail of this

fantastic fight

number 7 : Naruto vs ishiki

the most recent fight on our list

Naruto's battle against ishiki otsutsuki

may not last long but it certainly

impresses Naruto activates baryon mode a

powerful last-ditch form that gives him

a tremendous power boost albeit with a

deadly side effect while it drains life

energy from the user contact with an

opponent also drains their life force

because of that most of this battle is

fought up close and personal which leads

to plenty of well-animated beatdowns

although the power eventually takes its

toll on Naruto while it lasts he doesn't

take a single hit and dulls out some

gorgeous moves including one of the best

looking Rasengans ever

number 6 : madara vs 4th division

it may be one of the franchise's big

beds but the first time we get to see

Madara Uchiha in action is a real treat

the legendary ninja is resurrected and

battles against an entire division of

the Shinobi Alliance and dominates them

all his close combat against a large

portion of them is a particular

highlight the fluid way he moves among

them punching kicking slashing and using

their own explosives against them is

gorgeously rendered other major moments

of sakuga or high quality animation

include his jaw-dropping meteor drop as

well as madara revealing he can

rapidly grow trees in their desert



spends most of the fight flexing on his

opponents as usual but the animators

follow suit

number 5 : Kakashi vs Obito

another battle a long time in the making

Kakashi confronts his one-time friend

and teammates obito Uchiha in the kamui

dimension they both have access to after

some initial mental trickery they go at

it hand to hand and kunai to uh Rod not

only is the animation incredibly smooth

throughout their bouts but the seamless

cutting between their fight in the

present and a practice match in the past

lends an emotional Edge to their


despite taking a grievous wound although

Obito escapes as far as percentage of

sakuga goes this is easily one of the

best animated fights in the series and

if it's your favorites we can't argue

with you

number 4 : Naruto vs Sasuke round one

Naruto and Sasuke's first major battle

is a major milestone for the story and

for the show's animation key animator

norio Matsumoto is famous for his less

exact but better flowing animation style

and it's on full display during this

fight so many little moments of

Animation during this fight are iconic

from Naruto punching Sasuke upwards to

both of them skating along the water to

Naruto's Conga line of clones to his

nine tails transformation

and it all culminates in that iconic

clash in front of the waterfall the

original Naruto anime may have gone on a

little after this but this was its peak

for story and animation

number 3 : Naruto and Sasuke vs jigen

after relocating to another dimension

the pair of Rivals throw their most

powerful gigantic forms at Gigan but his

shrinking Powers let him go through

their defenses and make black spikes pop

up seemingly out of nowhere jigan's

movement throughout is an animated

spectacle and Naruto and Sasuke's moves

look fantastic as well

the duo may lose and Naruto is captured

but as far as the visuals go we see this

fight as an absolute win

number 2 : Naruto vs Sasuke round two

the climactic showdown between these two

is one for the ages not only for acting

as the finale of the OG Naruto story but

also because of how drop dead gorgeous

it is there are callbacks to the Duo's

first battle in the choreography each

uses their massive Kaiju forms to

reshape the landscape with huge

incredible attacks rendered in loving

detail more take it in

but even once they've expended all their

chakra and are just beating each other

up in a bare knuckle brawl the animation

quality like Naruto and Sasuke just

doesn't quit it takes each nearly

killing the other for them to reach an

understanding but anyone that sees this

fight can understand how great it is

number one Naruto and Sasuke vs momoshiki

most of these fights have at least some

moments where detail is sacrificed for

fluidity but not here impeccably

detailed and as smooth as butter this

fight is the Naruto animation team

giving 110

Naruto and Sasuke teaming up to take on

momoshiki otsutsuki is a straight up

Banger of a battle

the fists are fast the moves are clever

with one even calling back to their

first fight in the franchise and they

even pull their powers for a susano

armored nine tails against momoshiki's

lava creature form there might be

technically better more important or

more hype fights but this is the best

animated fight the Naruto Series has to



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